The two cultural sides of the Internet and the clashes between them

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One day, I got a video from my friend. The video said, that the modern society is bad, and men are weak. That video is a one example what the traditionalist side of the internet is like. The traditionalist side of the internet hates the modern values, and embraces the old traditions. Most of them run self-help social media channels, where they spread their word while telling ”tips for a good life”. Especially most of the channels have religious videos. The more radical ones also bully and discriminate the LGBT+ community and Furries. The community idolizes the ”sigma males” like the Joker, Patrick Bateman, Andrew Tate, Ernest ”Gigachad” Khalimov, and many others. The term ”Sigma male” means usually an introverted alpha male, who is single. Some people usually call themselves ”sigma males” and blame everything on society while hiding their own insecurities. I call these people who call themselves ”Sigma males” narcissists. I think that blaming society on your own problems is stupid. Traditionalists also are against pornography and masturbation. They also spread misinformation about them. For example, they made a ”research” that says that porn damages human brain. That is misinformation. BBC made a research about it. Link here:

Since I target to remaining neutral, I want to talk about the progressive side. Oh boy, I am sure I am going to get hated. But, everybody has their right to their own opinion, so I talk about the progressive side too. Luckily the hardliners only consist of a small part of them. The hardliners are responsible for the cancel culture. The whole idea of the cancel culture is so insane and doesn’t make any sense. If anybody hasn’t heard about the cancel culture, let me explain it. If a celebrity or a person does something politically incorrect, they get doxxed and called out racist, homophobic etc. Does this make any sense? No! Denouncing people for their opinion is wrong. Cancel culture is a cancer for the freedom of speech. Some of them even want to censor every media that is politically incorrect. Some big media companies bow down to the radical progressives, and enforce political correctness by censoring their media out of anything that is racist or homophobic. There was a one occasion here in Finland, where there was a Pippi Longstocking play, where the choreography resembled of haka dance danced by maori people. They removed that scene, because it caused a lot of controversy. The researcher even called opera a racist artform. Even the old media isn’t safe. We need to preserve history and remember it. It makes me think about the Chinese cultural revolution, where they destroyed most of the old Chinese culture, in order to indoctrinate the youth and all Chinese people. Speaking of which, some woke teachers even teach progressive ideas for the children and young people. I don’t hate the progressive ideology, but some of them can be insane sometimes. The more radical progressives also destroy old statues, like in the US, where the BLM movement destroyed the old statues of former southern generals. Here in Finland, the more radical progressives wanted to destroy the statue of Mannerheim because he was a white straight cis-male. Destroying historical statues because of the people who statues depicted were from a oppressive regime, is pretty much wrong, because although the statues depicted bad people, we need to still preserve history. If we erase history and re-write it, that would be horrible. We need tell the world the way it is. Without censoring or exaggarating things.

Since the world situation isn’t the best, our enemies’ threat to us is growing every day. We must set aside our differences, find compromice, and fight together for our freedom.

Sources: (Article is in Finnish and paywalled)

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