Helluva Boss: The rollercoaster of emotions

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Content warning: This article tells about some *ahem* sensitive topics, like violence, sex, and toxic relationships. Also there are spoilers. Well, if you haven’t seen the show, you can basically save your time. If you are interested about the show, then I do not suggest to read this article before you have seen the series. Understood? Good. If you want only my rating for the show without spoilers, I’ll give it 8/10.

A fan-made poster made by Aubrie Anderson.

This will be my review and a little bit of analysis of Helluva Boss, a well-known web series. It takes place in, just like the name references, hell. It tells about Blitzo, a Start-Up entrepreneur, Loona, Blitzo’s foster daughter, who works for his dad’s company, and is usually rebellious and temperamental. She was heavily bullied and harassed during her childhood in orphanage, which shaped her personality. The two lovers, Moxxie and Millie also work in the company. And yes, they do love eachother. They are sure a cute couple. It warms my heart to see them together.

The company’s purpose is usually being a hitman company who has a purpose to kill. (That’s pretty obvious, since the company’s name is I.M.P, Immediate Murder Professionals.) They have seen a lot of targets in their way from a cartridge family to government officals. That’s right, government officals. There was a one episode, when Moxxie and Blitzo get kidnapped by the government officials, Loona and Millie had to rescue them.

Fun fact: The demon-slaying organization’s name is D.H.O.R.K.S. (Hehe get it? Dorks.)

The company has some adversaries, like Cherubs, and an artist called Verosika, which is basically hell’s Cardi B(But her singing makes everybody have sex with eachother). For the Cherubs, even an old ruthless millionaire deserves to live. The other character is Stolas, who is usually Blitzo’s sex partner. The relationship between Stolas and Blitzo is mainly complicated, due to Stolas having emotional affection to Blitzo, but Blitzo hasn’t got any emotional affection to him. Stolas is married to his wife Stella, but the marriage is very unhappy. Mainly because of the marriage was arranged when they were kids, and Stella’s differing personality. Later in the series, they divorced. Stolas has a daughter called Octavia, who he loves more than Stella, who has a worse relationship with Octavia. Stella and Octavia still keep a normal mother-daughter relationship with eachother.

The show really has a lot of singing, and is a little bit of a musical. There is one song per episode. I am not a big fan of musicals, but this show’s songs feel like a Broadway from hell. Songs were okay-ish. Stolas was a good singer. The show has also a lot of violence and gore, which I don’t feel uncomfortable about. It is suprising, that it goes under YouTube’s censorship radar. Well, YouTube has a lot of stupid censorship, which limits the creator’s creativity. That’s mainly because a lot of children watch YouTube. There is an entire YouTube app dedicated to children, but almost no child ever uses it. But I’m getting out of track.

The 7th episode Ozzie’s showed Blitzo’s sensitive side. After he got embarrassed at the Ozzie’s, he left the place with Stolas. Blitzo took him to his home, and Stolas wanted Blitzo to come spend time with him. Blitzo refused, due to Stolas usually wanting to have sex with Blitzo. He told him that he didn’t have the energy to spend time with him, due to the circumstances of the night. Stolas understood, and wished him good night. Blitzo went back to his home, and after reading the note from his daughter Loona, he layed on the couch. Blitzo looked at the pictures from his phone, and started crying. That scene was so emotional that when I saw that scene, I got so sensitive that I almost dropped a tear. Althrough the show is a comedy, it has an emotional side too. The second season’s episodes also continued the emotional side. The episode ”Circus” told the backstory how Blitzo and Stolas met. The episode ”Seeing Stars” told about the Octavia’s relationship to her father. I wish in the future episodes, they should continue putting emotion to the show.

Here is my opinion of the show. At first, I was skeptical about the show, but when I started watching, I kind of learned to like it. The show has a little bit of comedy, action, romance and drama combined. I give it a rating of 8/10. The show has a controversial spin-off called Hazbin Hotel, which I haven’t seen yet. The Hazbin Hotel is very controversial, and I will review it later.

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