The Story of Pasila, my favourite Finnish tv show

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Finland isn’t known for it’s animation especially adult animation. Finland has a very small amount of animated movies and tv shows. In fact, most animated shows are targeted towards children. 2D animation is used as much than puppet animation. During the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s, the Finnish animation has moved towards more mature audience. Shows like Hullu Hullumpi Yläaste aka. Crazy Crazier Middle School, Kallion Eläimet aka. The animals of Kallio, and B. Virtanen have seen popularity. But there is a one show that basically wipes the floor with the rest. That is Pasila. I need to warn you about some spoilers. You can watch the whole show free on Yle Areena, which is run by the Finnish state-run public broadcaster. In fact, the show was funded by the public broadcaster. I will tell the synopsis to every episode, since the show has a smaller amount of episodes compared to other shows like the Simpsons with hundreds of them. Unfortunately, every single episode has no English subtitles.

Pasila is an animated sitcom started in 2007, and the original ran until 2013. The Spin-off started in 2014, and ended in 2016. Pasila tells about the daily life of a police station in Pasila suburb of Helsinki. The show stars a pacifier-sucking 30-something police officer Kyösti Pöysti, who is usually cynical and the so-called ”smart guy”. Kyösti Pöysti’s friend is called Tommi Neponen, who is a normie who has a wife and kids. The chief of the police station is an old man called Rauno Repomies, who is constantly on medicine. He refuses to retire, and he believes in a never-ending working ability. The police station has also a chauvinistic ”tomboy” called Helga, who is violent. Also there is a philosophical guy called Pekka Routalempi, who thinks everything is fascinating. One notable side character is Juhani Kontiovaara, which is the host for the morning television, and a parody of Lauri Karhuvaara, who was also a tv host in Finland.

The first episode told about the Pöysti’s first days at his new job at police station. The former police officer Nikander had passed away, and Pöysti had to attend his funeral. Repomies disliked Pöysti’s pacifier, and demanded explanation for that. Pöysti had to protect a snitch sent by the police. The second episode told about the illegal Chinese labour force sent to Finland. Pöysti and Neponen had to investigate it, but Pöysti was worried about his health. In the third episode, Pöysti had a arresting frenzy, and he even arrested the innocent. In the fourth episode, Pöysti fell in love with an entitled parent, who led a parents’ association of local school, which blamed the teachers for everything. In the sixth episode, Pöysti gets as a suspect an insane choreographer, whose plays almost killed her. In the 7th episode, Pöysti interrogated a larper, who was suspected about murdering a role player. In the 8th episode, Pöysti suffered the ”Phil Collins-hangover” which made him see Phil Collins’ face everywhere. It was the most iconic episode of the first season. In the 9th episode a dangerous lecturer got out of jail. In the 10th episode, Pöysti had to survey the only ”legal” brothel in Helsinki. The 11th episode told about a guy who was in the rock bottom, and hasn’t done anything with his life. The episode has a very iconic scene, where Pöysti tells his story. The 12th episode tells about a crazy guy who basically wants to kick every single person’s ass in one sitting.

Pöysti suffering from the Phil Collins-hangover.

Originally the show had to be short-lived with only one season, but the show became a smash hit in Finland. The second season premiered in spring of 2009. The quality of the first season is rustique, and dimmer than the rest.

The 13th episode told about the scandal where the a dog died in the explosion. The 14th episode told about the Pöysti’s therapy and internet shenanigans. The 15th was about the death threats given to the deputy mayor. This is in fact the only episode dubbed in english. The 16th episode told about Pöysti watching the tv show Madventures, and going to India to find himself. The actors of Madventures actually had cameo roles in this episode, which was cool. The 17th episode told about a stalker who is a real ”simp”, who stalked a pop star called Jemmica Laamanen. The 18th episode told about the mystical booze which was poisonous and a glass of it can be lethal. The 19th episode told about some beggars ruining Helsinki’s street view. The 20th episode told about Rauno getting retired, and Pöysti getting into power. The 21st episode told about an olympic winner, who was inebriated. The 22nd episode told about Pöysti’s ”brother” who was in his shoulder. The 23rd episode was about a terrorist attack and was a spoof of the tv show 24. Speaking of which, the 24th episode told about the bribery accusations of the businessman called Tauno Muikku.

The animation in the second season was brighter, and the episodes were better. The third season premiered on spring of 2011.

In the 25th episode, Rauno Repomies got scammed, and as a result gets depressed. The 26th episode told about Pöysti’s short career as a novelist. The 27th episode told about the police joining the war against drugs. The 28th episode told about an arsonist and pyrophiles. (Yes, you heard it right, they literally get aroused by fire and have sex with it.) The 29th episode told about a guy who goes crazy when listening to some guy’s music. The 30th episode told about a guy who invented a way to ”predict” the stock markets. The 31st episode told about Pöysti being famous. The 32nd episode told about a ”boring” day. The 33rd episode told about a christian cult who separated itself from the Finnish lutheran church. The 34th episode told about Repomies wanting a medal for his service for society.

In the third season the show got even better. It continued in the fourth season, which premiered on the autumn of the same year.

The 35th episode told about a ”dead” artist, who Pöysti didn’t mourn. The 36th episode was about piracy. The 37th episode was about the election of the police station. The 38th episode was about the bad success of the Finnish football. Finland isn’t the best country when it comes to football, since we are more of a hockey nation. The 39th episode was about Pekka Routalempi getting trolled online. The 40th episode was about Pöysti getting a movie trailer guy’s sound in his head. The 41st episode was about Pöysti infiltraiting a prison gang. The 42nd episode was about a novelist called Sesse Ensilumi. The 43rd episode was about a cruise ship trip to Estonia, which is the most entertaining episode. The 44th episode was about a scammer who scammed many women’s cash. In Finland, we call the Auervaara after a similar love scammer whose surname was Auervaara.

The 4th season was pretty good, but it gets better in the 5th season, which came out in the spring of 2012.

The 45th episode was about a nature documentary hangover, where Pöysti constantly heard the narrator of the nature documentaries. The 46th episode was about Pekka Routalempi getting fired. The 47th episode was about Rauno Repomies thinking he is in the movie Inception. The 48th episode was about Juhani Kontiovaara filming the police for a reality tv show. The 49th episode was about Neponen’s bachelor party. The 50th episode was about Pöysti going to Cynicals Anonymous. The 51st episode was about the new weight-losing trend, shit-eating. The 52nd episode was about Pöysti and Repomies competing for an old lady. The 53rd episode was about Obama visiting Helsinki. The 54th episode was about Pöysti travelling to India.

The 54th episode ended in a cliffhanger, where Pöysti didn’t return to Finland. He returned in the next episode, which came out in the December 27th 2012.

The 55th episode was about Pöysti’s return from India and a toxic coach of a junior hockey team. The 56th episode was about a greasiest fast food chain coming to Helsinki. The 57th episode was about the Miss Finland contest. The 58th episode was about a stupid neighbor moving next to Pöysti. The 59th episode was about an alcoholic sports reporter getting fired. The 60th episode was about Pöysti getting steroids. The 61st episode was about Juhani Kontiovaara getting fired. The 62nd episode was about Repomies’s secret. The 63rd episode was about Routalempi going to jail for a murder attempt. The 64th episode was the swan song for the original series.

The original Pasila ended in 2013, but it got a spin-off in 2014. The spin-off introduced the new character called Darja, who was a hippie. The fanbase is divided about the spin-off. Others hate it, others like it.

The first episode of the spin-off is about the police station getting demolished, and getting replaced by a new enterntainment center. The 2nd episode was a female scammer scamming all the men’s cash. The 3rd episode was about a radical atheist group burning churches. The 4th episode was about a nepotist organization. The 5th episode was about paranormal activities. The 6th episode was about a controversial stand-up comedian. The 7th episode was about the ice hockey championship, and the victory party in it’s 4th week destroying the Finnish society. The 8th episode was about a child prodigy getting injured, threatening the European Union summit’s concert. The 9th episode was about the anti-environmentalists burning the forests. The 10th episode was about a hippie commune. The 11th episode was about the police arresting the most beloved politician, and it’s consequences. The 12th episode was about the Guggenheim museum being constructed in Helsinki, but it’s opening was disrupted due to an art heist. The 13th episode was about the pop-up brothel. The 14th episode was about the vandalism targeting the clinic. The 15th episode was about the kidnapping of Routalempi’s friend’s son. The 16th episode was about the unpopular politician’s failed election campaign, and he getting assaulted for it. The campaign’s song was very bad and perverted. The 17th episode was about a Gordon Ramsay-like chef getting assaulted to hospital condition. The 18th episode was about a confusing diamond heist. The 19th episode was about a civilian police organization trying to compete with the police. The 20th episode was about an orphan millionaire. The 21st episode was about Repomies having a late-life crisis. The 22nd episode was about an anti-vaxxer’s murder attempt. The 23rd episode was about a conspiracy theorist going missing. The 24th episode was about Darja threatening to quit, when Repomies forgot her name. The 25th episode was about a hijacked tank terrorizing Finland. The 26th episode was about a bird stealing Juhani Kontiovaara’s screen time. The 27th episode was about the lottery winner’s brother going missing. The 28th episode was about about the murder attempt of a theatre critic. The 29th episode hipsters from Kallio playing tennis with the elites of Töölö, but the ball was replaced with drunken people. The 30th episode was about a screenwriter getting assaulted. The 31st episode was about a wanted criminal getting arrested in Oulu. The 32nd episode was about a guy wanting to kill every Barnacle Goose in Helsinki. Barnacle Gooses are a very controversial species due to them being a nuisance to most Finns. The 33rd episode was about a suspicious hunting accident. The 34th episode was a halloween special or kekri-special. Kekri is a traditional Finnish holiday, which was like halloween. Many Finns hate halloween due to it replacing Kekri. The 35th episode was about Pöysti being a dog whisperer. The 36th episode was about the Dudesons. (The Finnish Jackass) The 37th episode was about a German store chain similar to Lidl coming to Finland. The 38th episode was about a guy trying to report the kidnapping of himself to the cops, but the cops didn’t take him seriously. He was fat before he was kidnapped, and he become fit after he was kidnapped. The 39th episode was about a guy stealing BMW:s. The 40th episode was the real ending for the show.

The Spin-off was pretty good, since the new character bringed a good change to the show. Pasila is still one of my favourite animated shows of all time. It is very nostalgic, since I watched it when I was a kid althrough I shouldn’t have been. In the original Pöysti had a very high voice, but luckily his voice got deeper in the Spin-off. The show deserves a new Spin-off with the same characters, but older. I would make it, since I like to screenwrite.

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