Furries don’t deserve being bullied, and nobody else

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This article will be about Furries and bullying.

Furries are one of the internet’s controversial subcultures. Some people see them strange, due to them liking to draw and dress like animals. Furries are bullied and harassed online, and made insulting memes about. Many of those cases have led to suicides among furries. Furries are called pedophiles and zoophiles by their haters, althrough most of the furries aren’t pedos or zoophiles.

Bullying in general is also a horrible thing. Many schoolchildren are scared to go to school, and some of them have ended their life by themselves. Some of them have gotten to the arms, and caused school shootings, which have killed and injured many children and teachers. If you bully furries and other people online, stop it and get some help.

Bullying has even turned the bullied into a bully, which causes more problems, and it will spread like a plague. There are many anti-bullying posters across schools, but usually they don’t work. There has been anti-bullying ad campaigns, but they haven’t worked either. In Finland there has been an anti-bullying program for schools called KIVA-Koulu. The word kiva means nice, or fun in Finnish. My elementary and middle schools were part of that program. It didn’t help that much, and bullying still continued. The bullying continued mainly because of the techniques used by teachers, which was mainly discussions between the bullied and the bully. The discussions didn’t work that much, and in the worst case scenario, the bullied had to apologize to the bully. Usually the bullying continued, and worsened. The bullied had to usually switch schools. If bullied fought back, it was an act of violence, and had to punished. This doesn’t make any sense, since the bully should be punished not the bullied.

I want to tell about my views about Furries. In my opinion, they are usually a cute and cheerful subculture of the internet. I don’t hate them, I pretty much like them. I’m not very much of a furry myself, althrough I like them. Walt Disney was probably a furry, since he liked to draw talking animals. (Joke) Speaking of which, Disney had influenced the subculture. Go figure, they have a lot of movies with talking animals. Of course, Disney wasn’t the only one, since there are a lot of studios that made cartoon movies with talking animals. Anthropomorfic animals are a fun and a cute way to create characters. Foxes are the cutest ones due to being like cats and dogs at the same time. I feel bad about them, since the most of them are locked in fur farms, where they are killed and their skins extracted. The fur farms are basically concentration camps for Foxes. That’s my country’s shame. We tried to ban the fur trafficing, but the agrarian politicians lobbied them out. Besides, humans are animals too. We only have less hair compared to other mammals. We are animals, since we evolved from an ape. But the thing is that furries like to dress into different animals than humans. Well, furries aren’t perfect, and some of them act like animals. C’mon, althrough you are a furry, you are still a human. (At least you can get some augmentations that make you more like your animal of choice in the far future.)

Of course, you don’t have to like them, but leave them alone, if you don’t like them. It’s easy as that. Only a ruthless dictator would ban a group it doesn’t like. I think that people should be free have whatever hobbies and interests they like. Imagine if someone bullies you for being what you are. It makes no sense. Most of the anti-furries are conservative or reactionary, and see them as degenerates. The most radical ones even lynch furries, and assault them. Lynchings and assaults are illegal. They also make cringe memes about furries.

Furries are a cute and a fun subculture of the internet, and they are like the special spice of the animation. That’s only my opinion, but the point is if you don’t like them, leave them alone. Don’t go bullying and harrassing them, that’s childish and stupid. Just leave them alone. After all, if someone bullies you for being who you are, what do you feel about that? It is OK to be a furry.

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