Time Travel: The Craziest Way to Travel

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Time travel is one of the most insane ways to travel. The whole idea of travelling through time and visiting the past or future is one of the science’s biggest questions. Time travel is a pretty popular concept for sci-fi movies, and media. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. Some of them are very bad. In this blog post I will dive into the subject.

The ways to travel through time are either some inventions, cars, or even a drink! Yes, a drink. In the anime movie Your Name, Mitsuha made a special sake drink, which makes the person who drinks it go backwards in time. I don’t want to spoil anything much about the movie, since it’s a very heartwarming movie. I can recommend it to you. Of course there are also the good-old time mobile. The whole concept of time travel and a car originated from the good-old Back to the Future. I hope everyone has seen that movie, since it is one of the best movies of the 80s. It gave inspiration to No Time, which is a very good time travelling adventure game on PC. I recommend it to you if you like time travelling. The price tag of the game is pretty light, and even the poorest ones can get to play it. The concept was even in the Simpsons, and Sly Cooper 4. And yes, that game is the most controversial one of the series. Sanzaru Games tried to give the series a twisted return, but it failed miserably. The game was a killing move for the series, and the fifth game will not come. Many fans hated the game for it’s clunky plot. Speaking of which, let’s move in to the usual plot tropes of the Time Travel media.

The plot of the most the Time Travel media usually includes acting as a reset button and reverting the cause of a problem. Like the good-old killing the good old mister Hitler, and preventing the second world war from happening. If you kill him as the leader of Germany, he will have a lot of bodyguards, and soldiers protecting him, and you will need to be most likely armed to teeth, and have the fighting skills of B.J Blazkowicz. So the easiest and most immoral option is by killing him as a helpless baby. The post-birth abortion may sound hardcore, considering he is just a baby, and hasn’t killed anyone. In the worst case scenario, you may make history worse. Also if you talk to your old self, you may endanger yourself, and create an alternate timeline of yourself. The travelling between universes is on the next level, and on Rick and Morty. It also in the worst case scenario destabilizes fabric of the universe, and creates chaos. In the recent years the dimensional travel has gotten to video games. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart’s subject was dimensional travel, which made the game more fun. But I’m getting out of track. Let’s get back to the subject of Time Travel.

The first novel about time travel was The Time Machine released in 1895. We can thank H.G Wells for creating the base for all time travelling tales. But in this book the main character travelled only forwards in time. It was a sensation when it first released, and was a milestone for the science fiction genre. In that book, the main character travelled more than 800,000 years in to the future, where another human-like species had replaced humans. It’s a pretty short book, containing only 84 pages, but it still worth reading. I haven’t read the book myself, but I have seen a movie adaptation of it.

Here’s a small guide to Time Travelling. If you travel to a time before internet, you may find out that people will talk to you more often. If you are a woman and travel to a middle age town, wear the clothing that regular women wear in the town. You may be seen as a witch, and be burned. Women didn’t wear pants in the middle age. People from all genders should wear the clothing from that time. Research the era’s fashion before you go. If you communicate with the people from that time, use the language’s that time’s version. The Old English language sounds like gibberish to the modern ear.

Sometimes Time Travelling can cause a timeloop, which revolves around a same day. You can escape it, but it will be so hard that escaping North Korea would be easier compared to escaping from a timeloop. But, at least it has some benefits. You can probably respawn in the timeloop, so you can try those Dudesons and Jackass stunts and get heavily injured. Your body resets itself, and all the bruises and injuries are automatically fixed. You can also in the timeloop go crazy and wreck places up. If you go to jail, then in the timeloop, you wake up in your home, and everything resets itself. But eventually you find a way to get out of a timeloop.

The one rule of Time Travel says that you need to change something back to where it should be, if you change something. There is also another way to travel through time, and it’s a time bubble. When you are inside the bubble, you are like in the spectator mode. You can only see and hear, but not touch things. This is the safest way to travel through time, and you can’t change things when you are there. Time Travel can also cause some your mind to go insane. Since regurally time goes forward only by a one second per second, your mind can get twisted from travelling backwards in time. So think twice before you go travelling. There aren’t any ways to prepare mentally yourself before travelling through time, like any simulations for astronauts where astronauts experience the large G-force before going to space. Well, you may get a crazy experience. The time bubble is the best way to travel through time, if you want to. You can see your former self.

Time Travel is not possible in real life, since it would twist the universe. Many people have predicted that time travelling is possible in 2030s, but probably it’s not. (!Remindme 2034) Who knows, what will happen in the future. Many people in the 80s thought we would have flying cars in 2023, but they aren’t here yet. We don’t have those neon cyberpunk buildings yet, like they predicted. The future is tomorrow, and we do not know about it yet. Maybe there is a time traveller somewhere who is from the future, and wants to see the world in 2023. At least you can get a first taste about what life was like in the past through old news articles, videos, movies, and other things. You would experience the history from a perspective of a regular human if you travel to the past. You can even ask older people how the past was like. Just beware the nostalgia filter. Nostalgia is a pretty heartwarming feeling, but it can distort your views of the new things. That’s why most of the older fans of the known cartoons hate the new versions. Most of the things weren’t better back in the day, like people would die before reaching the age of 30. Or even 40! Most of the rich countries today were poor countries in the past. South Korea, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Ireland, Norway and many others were poor in the past. Time Travelling is a pretty interesting concept, and hypothesies about different outcomes are fascinating. That’s where the some of the Alternate History scenarios were made. That’s a subject for another post.

If a time machine ever gets invented, and if I would go backwards in time, I would recover some lost media. I would visit Vyborg before the Soviet invasion of Finland, and I would eat some food that is not available anymore. I would save some dead celebrities’ lives that would have been easily avoided.

Althrough the we like to remember the past as good times, we can make tomorrow better, and we may enjoy the today. Well, the today isn’t pretty easy to enjoy, since the world situation isn’t the best now. It may get better, since history has proven it. After the Soviet Union fell, and the Cold War ended, the world came to a time of peace. (Well, there were still some proxy wars.) The same could happen after 2020s. The 2030s may be a better decade, or worse. At least we live in the more interesting times that will be written in the history books. I think that the longer the human history is, the more there will be in the history books. We can still fix the issues of the world. We need to still look at the past to remember, so we wouldn’t make the same mistakes like yesterday. Let’s just live a day at the time.

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