Owning a pet requires responsibility, and must require a license

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Pets are those animals that usually bring comfort, love, happiness, and many other good things to it’s owner. However, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. Owning a pet also has it’s downsides, which are usually the financial burden, requiring to clean up it’s mess and some pets tend to be loud, like dogs.

There has been a lot of news lately about some people keeping their dogs off the leash, especially those larger ones. Some of the larger dogs are calm, some are pretty dangerous. Some owners that keep their dogs off the leash say that ”Dogs have the right to be free in nature.”. You know, there are other people than you walking in the nature. If some person also walks a dog, the both dogs would react to seeing each other, and in the worst case scenario, start fighting. Dog attacks are a huge problem. Most of the dog attacks are caused by dangerous breeds like Rottweilers, Dobermans, Pitbulls, etc. Sometimes the dogs are poorly trained, and the owners aren’t always responsible, and use the dog as an ego boost. Sometimes the owner isn’t responsible to even pick up after their dog has done their needs. Sometimes if the dog leaves droppings in center of a paved street, they wouldn’t pick the droppings up.

The good solution to these problems is a pet license.

Pet license would prove that the person has the responsibility and the knowledge to take care of a domestic animal. When the individual gets a pet license, they must first take classes where the individuals are taught about owning a pet, and take responsibility tests. After the classes and tests, the individual must take the final pet license test. If the individual passes the test, they get a pet license. If not, they don’t. When the pet license law comes to effect, every person that owns a pet must get the pet license, or their pets will be taken away. When the individual has the pet license, they must follow the pet ownership rules. The rules are the following: The owner must clean their pet’s droppings. The owner must keep their pet on the leash, if they take it outside. Cats are forbidden to be taken outside. Crossbreeding dogs with wolves is illegal. The pet must be trained in order to ensure safety. In order to ensure the pet is trained, the pet must be taken to a behavior test. If the pet does not pass the test, the pet is not trained, and the pet is taken away, and the pet license is taken away. If the pet license is taken away, the owner can get it back after a one and half years of the date of confiscation. If the owner doesn’t pick up their droppings, they will receive a warning after three times. After the third warning, the pet license is taken away. The owner must not violently assault the animal. Keeping dogs off the leash would be allowed on the countryside inside the owner’s lot, but the owner must keep an eye on the dog. Pets are recommended to be neutered in urban areas.

Since driving cars requires a license, why not owning pets? Some people that would be against pet license would keep that in mind. Pet license would increase the wellbeing of an animal because the owner would be responsible enough to take care of an animal and train it. Animal having an irresponsible owner would be awful for the animal. Rules and guidelines are important for a functional society, and rules and guidelines would make our society more safe and stabile.

This article is also about the pet ownership in general, and it’s effects on society. You don’t have to read from here, you can click off the article if you want. I still would recommend you to read after this. Pet ownership is pretty divisive topic. The stupid-old cats versus dogs argument is a prime example of this. The whole topic started from ancient times. It’s time for some history, because why not. It’s important to know how we got what we are today. In 15,000 BC, dogs were domesticated for the first time, since they were good for hunting and guarding. After people realized that we could grow food instead of chasing for it, the rodents and pests became a bigger problem. Then humans realized that cats were good for pest control, and we decided to domesticate cats. Cats were seen as gods in Ancient Egypt, and the orange ones were bred to be sacrificed for the gods. It’s one of the reasons why we have cats like Garfield. Egypt fell, but cats were still domesticated. Domestication was here to stay. In the medieval times, the roman catholic Christianity became a popular religion. Pope Gregory IX saw cats as demonic creatures, and they needed to be purged. Many cats were killed and harassed. This wasn’t very smart, since it caused the population boom of rodents and pests. The black death killed more and more people. There are differences between religions. In Christianity, dogs were seen as faithful and good. In Islam in the other hand, dogs were seen as dirty animals. That’s why owning dogs are soon being banned in Iran, which is one of the most fundamentalistic muslim countries. I am not against any religions. Fast-forwarded to 20th century, when film was a new invention. In 1950s, the tv show Lassie told about a heroic dog. The pro-dog media that depicted dogs as good creatures started to gain air to it’s wings. 1950s were also the time of the Cold War, where the capitalist west and communist east fought who will rule the world. The USSR sent a dog named Laika to space, but she died in space. In 1963, France sent the first cat to space called Felicette. She survived the trip, but scientists killed her in order to get information about the space travel affecting her body. During the years 1960-66, Soviet Union sent eight dogs to space. Belka and Strelka were the ones who survived. In 1970s, and 1980s, dogs were starting to get more and more popular in the west. In many cartoons and movies, dogs were seen as good creatures, and cats were seen as selfish and bad creatures. This is a huge issue in the movies made in the west, where the movies highlight the virtues of dogs. In Japanese movies, dogs and cats were seen as equal creatures.

Now we are on today. People have been getting more and more polarized. Some cat people hate dog people more than ever, and some dog people hate cat people more than ever. Some dog people think that people who don’t like dogs wish horrible things for dogs. That is not true. Many people who don’t like dogs are against animal cruelty. In my opinion, you should be not forced to like dogs. People can like and dislike what ever they please. The whole cat vs dog argument is stupid and childish. Dogs have influenced the western pet culture so much, that some pet stores have the word ”dog” in them. Like in Finland, we have this one pet store which is called Peten Koiratarvike, or Pete’s Dog supply. Although the name would tell that the store only sells supplies to dogs, but they do also sell stuff to cats.

Cats and Dogs have their own sides. Owning cats require less effort thant owning a dog. You just need to feed it, and clean up it’s litter box. If you own a cat, the cat’s exceriment smells very bad, so it’s a pretty big con of owning a cat. Some cats tend to be cuddly, and cute, while others tend to be shy, and scratchy. Dogs require more effort than cats, and are needed to be taken outside regularly. You need to also train the dog, because if you train the dog, it behaves better. Usually people don’t like dogs that are poorly trained, and usually those dogs tend to be dangerous. If you are a pretty busy person and don’t have time nor energy, and want a pet, a cat would be a better option for you. If you have time and energy, a dog would be a better option. Of course, there are other options besides dogs or cats, like turtles, snakes, mouses, rats, lizard, and many others. Some of those other animals tend to live shorter, like rodents, others may live longer, like turtles. Cats live usually longer than dogs, so if you want a long-term animal companion, cats would be a good choice. If you are adventurous, and like to go outside, dogs are a good choice for you.

I’m pretty much neutral in this cat vs dog argument, but I like cats more than dogs, so I’m cat-leaning. I still like dogs, except those more dangerous ones. Dogs pretty good, but they tend to be loud. Their barking bothers me. It’s very annoying. It’s more annoying when some pet owners think their pet is more superior to children. Sometimes they call themselves mommies or daddies to their animals. Animals are animals, children are children.

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