Kategoria: Yleinen

  • The History of Ups and Downs: How good and hard times are temporary

    The 2020s, the decade we are living in is a turning point in history, but this does not mean that those times are good times. The economic inequality, the cost of living, crime and many other problems in our society have been rising a lot in the recent years, and…

  • Harmful populism is weakening the western democracy, which benefits Russia and China

    Harmful populism in Europe and in the West as a whole has been increasing ever since the start of the 2010s. The election year of 2024 will go down in history, since almost the half of the nations of the world, and almost all ”democracies” are having an election this…

  • The Creator: The hypothetical future of warfare and AI

    Artificial intelligence also known as AI, has seen a large leap in development in the recent years thanks to language learning models like ChatGPT, Bard, Gemini and Copilot. We have opened the pandora’s box of technology, which will cause drastic changes in the coming years, and start a new era…

  • The philosophy of Madventures: Remember to get out of the rat race

    The hustle and bustle of our everyday lives is part of our lives. You wake up, eat breakfast, go to work or school, after work or school go back home, go to sleep, repeat. Every week has a weekend, which gives few days of rest from the rat race, but…

  • Violence and crime of young people and poor mental health

    Violence and crime of young people and poor mental health

    In 2nd of April 2024, a school shooting had occured in the city of Vantaa in Finland. This had not been the first one to happen, since it was the 7th school attack what has ever happened in the history of Finland. As you can see, school shootings and school…

  • Cozy corner: Easter of mental health

    Hello again dear readers, and welcome back to Cozy Corner. I haven’t really published any new articles recently, and I’m sorry for not publishing new articles for a while. I just didn’t have any inspiration, motivation nor any good ideas to write, so I had a writing block. Also my…

  • First impressions of Snufkin: The Melody of Moominvalley – (Finally a great Moomin game)

    As you can see from my nationality, I am Finnish, and obviously a fan of Moomins, since a majority of Finns are. I love Moomins and video games. There are many Moomin games released throughout the history, and a majority of them are just some mini game collections with an…

  • A honest guide in fighting mental health issues

    I have been having a pretty bad time in terms of my mental health, and my mental health issues like depression and anxiety had been rising. But now, I am actually feeling pretty much better. Why? Well, answering that question is this post’s main purpose. If you do not want…

  • Blog’s 1st birthday: How the first year went

    On 16th of February, 2023, I decided to found my own blog called From The Eyes of Eltskale, and the rest is history. Now it is the 1st anniversary of my blog, so we can celebrate it. I have not really written any posts lately, since I have been busy…

  • Pasilan retrospektiivi: Miksi lähimenneisyys vielä maistuu tänäkin päivänä (Finnish)

    Pasila. Helsingin yksi ikonisimmista ja keskeisimmistä kaupunginosista. Se asema jolle monet junat pysähtyvät ensimmäisenä, ja ihmiset jotka kävelevät jättiläismäisen ostoskeskuksen läpi. Pasila on myös tunnettu sen poliisiasemastaan, joka oli niin hieno, että siitä päätettiin tehdä oma televisiosarjansa, joka tuli jäämään historiaan. Tämä on Pasilan tarina. Miten Pasila alkoi, miten se…

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